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    位置:首頁| 學習資訊 2024-10-22 1013

    摘要:現(xiàn)在完成時的句子(精選100句)   在英語時態(tài)中,“時”指動作發(fā)生的時間,“態(tài)”指動作的樣子和狀態(tài)。下面是小編收集整理的現(xiàn)在完成時的句子,僅供參考,希望能夠幫助到大家。   現(xiàn)在完成時是過去發(fā)生并且已經(jīng)完成的動作對現(xiàn)在造成影響或后果,過去某一時間開始并一向持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在并且有可能還會持續(xù)的動作或狀態(tài)。現(xiàn)在...






      I’ve seen that film three times。




      I’ve lived here since 2005。


      解析:說話人用現(xiàn)在完成時來討論過去直到現(xiàn)在一段時光里的發(fā)生行為或事件。 此處,現(xiàn)在完成時表示過去開始的行為,并沒有在過去結(jié)束,而是持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在。


      I’m not hungry, thanks – I’ve already had dinner。

      翻譯:我現(xiàn)在不餓,多謝 ——我吃過飯了。

      解析: 吃飯這一行為是過去的事,但對現(xiàn)在有影響——說話人現(xiàn)在不餓。在那里,現(xiàn)在完成時描述的是過去發(fā)生的事情,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有了結(jié)果。


      I’ve been to Beijing。



      參考:解惑|如何選擇正確過去時:是He did, he was doing, 還是he has done


      Worldrenowned physicist Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76。






      I have lost my wallet。(含義是:現(xiàn)在我沒有錢花了。)

      Michael has been ill。(含義是:現(xiàn)在仍然很虛弱)

      Jane has laid the table。(含義是:已能夠吃飯了。)

      He has returned from abroad。 (含義是:現(xiàn)在已在此地)

      2、 現(xiàn)在完成時能夠用來表示發(fā)生在過去某一時刻的,持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的情景,常與for,since連用。

      Mary has been ill for three days。

      I have lived here since 1998。

      3、 現(xiàn)在完成時往往同表示不確定的過去時光狀語連用,如already, yet, just, before, recently, lately等:

      He has already obtained a scholarship。

      I havent seen much of him recently (lately)。

      We have seen that film before。

      Have they found the missing child yet

      4、 現(xiàn)在完成時常常與表示頻度的時光狀語連用,如often, sometimes, ever, never, twice, on several occasion等:

      Have you ever been to Beijing

      I have never heard Bunny say anything against her。

      I have used this pen only three times。 It is still good。

      George has met that gentleman on several occasions。

      5、 現(xiàn)在完成時還往往能夠同包括現(xiàn)在時光在內(nèi)的時光狀語連用,如now, up to these few daysweeksmonthsyears, this morningweekmonthyear, now, just, today, up to present, so far等:

      Peter has written six papers so far。

      Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom。

      There has bee too much rain in San Francisco this year。

      The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries have been enhanced in the past few years。

      Up to the present everything has been successful。

      6、 現(xiàn)在完成時表示現(xiàn)在之前業(yè)已完成的動作,雖然其效果或影響仍然存在但已不再繼續(xù),可是有一些現(xiàn)在完成時的句子,在后面加上for+一段時光,則現(xiàn)在完成時的動作就表示延續(xù)性。

      Thomas has studied Russian。 (現(xiàn)在不再學俄語)

      Thomas has studied Russian for three years。 (=Thomas began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now。(同第2點用法第一個例句)

      7、 現(xiàn)在完成時還能夠用來表示過去的.一個時光到現(xiàn)在這段時光內(nèi)重復發(fā)生的動作。

      We have had four texts this semester。


      1、Hes gone to Spain。 他去了西班牙。

      2、 How long have you worked in this library? 你在這家圖書館工作多久了?

      3、Since when have you planted so many young trees?從什么時候開始你種植了這么多小樹的?

      4、 Has everyone in your class written a letter to a factory to ask them to stop pouring dirty water into the river or lake nearby? 你們班的人有沒有給工廠寫信讓他們停止向附近的河或湖排放污水?

      5、I have returned the book I borrowed。我已歸還了我借的書。

      6、They haven’t finished yet。他們還沒結(jié)束。

      7、Tom has skated for five hours。TOM已經(jīng)滑冰五個小時了。

      8、I just finished reading。我剛讀完書。

      9、 I’ve just finished reading the book。 我剛讀完書。

      10、I have bought a new puter。我買了一臺新電腦。

      11、How many songs has he learned so far?他到目前為止學了多少歌了?

      12、We have been waiting for you for half an hour。我們已經(jīng)等你半個小時了。

      13、Its snowy this winter。今年冬天多雪。

      14、 I’ve been with Greener China for a year。 我跟隨綠色中國一年了。

      15、I just had two apples。我剛剛吃了兩個蘋果。

      16、I have done two part-time jobs。我已經(jīng)做了兩份兼職工作。

      17、Ive been here for two weeks。我已經(jīng)在那里呆了兩周了。

      18、 I have already won first prize in the city surfing petition。 我已經(jīng)在城市的沖浪比賽中獲得了第一名。

      19、Have you ever been abroad?你出國過嗎?

      20、 Who has been to Hawaii? None of us has。 誰去過夏威夷?沒人去過。

      21、 Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? 我有沒有把垃圾撿起來扔進垃圾筒呢?

      22、I havent eaten much chocolate recently。我最近沒吃太多巧克力。

      23、 After you have finished the questionnaire, you may decide if your friend is doing very well in protecting the environment。 你完成調(diào)查問卷后,你能夠決定你的朋友是否在保護環(huán)境方面做得很好。

      24、He has turned off the light。 他已把燈關(guān)了。

      25、Have you had your lunch yet?你已經(jīng)吃過午飯了嗎?

      26、His shoes are dirty。他的鞋子臟了。

      27、In the pastyears,there have been great changes in our family life。在過去的十年里,我們的家庭生活發(fā)生了很大的變化。

      28、I have heard nothing from him up to now。到目前為止我沒有他的任何消息。

      29、This is my first visit to the city。這是我第一次訪問這座城市。

      30、Ive only been there twice。我只去過那里兩次。

      31、Has anyone ever skied before?有人之前滑過水嗎?

      32、He has lived here since 。自從年以來,他一向住在這兒。

      33、Ive worked in the same job for the pastyears。在過去的年里,我一向在同一個工作崗位工作。

      34、He said he knew her very well。他說他很熟悉她。

      35、 If your answers are No, it means that you have already helped protect our environment。 如果你的。回答是否,它意味著你已經(jīng)幫忙保護了我們的環(huán)境。

      36、How long have you been working in this library?你在這家圖書館工作多久了?

      37、We havent met since then。自那以后我們再沒見過。

      38、 Have you ever traveled on a plane? 你坐飛機旅行過嗎?

      39、 How long have you been here in Sydney? 你來悉尼多久了?

      40、 I know you’ve e to see your father。 我明白你來看你的爸爸。

      41、 Has anybody water-skied before? 有人之前滑過水嗎?

      42、I think I sent the letter a week ago。我認為我一星期前就把信寄出去了。

      43、I just came back from France。我剛從法國回來。

      44、 Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood? 我有沒有在社區(qū)附近種過樹或花呢?

      45、Have you been to Rome?你已經(jīng)去了羅馬嗎?

      46、Ive played the piano。我已經(jīng)彈過鋼琴了。

      47、 He has been in Honolulu ever since。 他從那以后就在檀香山。

      48、I’ve just lost my keys。我剛丟了鑰匙。

      49、 I’ve been surfing every day。 我每一天都沖浪。

      50、 Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling? 我有沒有為回收而收集廢舊紙張或瓶子呢?

      51、I have read the novel。我看過這部小說了。

      52、The key she lost was found。她丟失的鑰匙找到了。

      53、I have been to Singaporetimes。我去過次新加坡。

      54、I just turned off the light。我剛剛把燈關(guān)上。

      55、 Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground? 你有沒有往地上扔過東西?

      56、I have found my bag。我已經(jīng)找到了我的書包。

      57、She left home less than a year ago。她離開家還不到一年。

      58、Ive been learning the new words。我一向在學習新單詞。

      59、I have never seen him before。以前我從來沒有見過他。

      60、I have been in the army for more thanyears。我在部隊已經(jīng)呆了五年多了。

      61、He is cleaning his shoes。他在清理他的鞋子。

      62、Did I pick up the rubbish and throw it into the dustbin?我有沒有把垃圾撿起來扔進垃圾筒呢?

      63、 What have you done since you joined Greener China? 你加入綠色中國后都做了什么?

      64、I have been reading the novel。我一向在看這部小說。

      65、 Have you ever been abroad? 你出國過嗎?

      66、She lost her bike。她把自行車丟了。

      67、 You’ve learnt surfing from him, haven’t you? 你從他那里學的滑水,不是嗎?

      68、I have known him for years。我認識他已經(jīng)好幾年了。

      69、 I’ve been here for two weeks already。 我已經(jīng)在那里呆了兩周了。

      70、Has your father gone to America? 你的父親去過美國嗎?

      71、I have read a book these days。這幾天我一向在看一本書。

      72、 Have you ever been to Hawaii? 你去過夏威夷嗎?

      73、I havent seen Jamie in two months。我兩個月沒見杰米了。

      74、I have owned a puppy before。我以前養(yǎng)過一只小狗。

      75、 If your answers are Yes,it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment。如果你的回答是是,它意味著你已經(jīng)為保護環(huán)境做了些有用的事。

      76、We have seen that film。我們已經(jīng)看過那部電影了。

      77、Have you read this book?你已經(jīng)讀了這本書嗎?

      78、 I’ve never been there。 我從來沒去那里。

      79、Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的鋼筆了嗎?

      80、 I’ve already been there twice。 我只去過那里兩次。

      81、 How many songs has he learned so far? 他到目前為止學了多少歌了?

      82、Amy has been playing her radio all morning。艾米整個上午一向開著她的收音機。

      83、I had thought I could pass the final examination but I failed。我估計我能夠經(jīng)過期末考試,但結(jié)果我沒經(jīng)過。

      84、This is the best film I have ever seen。這是我看過的最好的電影。

      85、This is the first time Ive heard him sing。這是我第一次聽他唱歌。

      86、 How long have you been a member of Greener China? 你成為綠色中國的一員多久了?

      87、She will have finished the book by my next birthday。到我下一個生日為止,她將完成那本書。

      88、Gil bought a new puter。吉爾買了一臺新電腦。




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